Yuli Yoga ROZKOSH – Improving The Quality of Sex Life – Online Course


In Hindi, the word ROZ means everyday, and KOSH means treasury. It is in the combination of these two words that ROZKOSH is created! Discover your sexuality slowly and build a beautiful relationship with your body with Yuli Yoga’s 10-day ROZKOSH course! You will find: 8 yoga practices with selected asanas (postures), a guided practice of Yoga Nidra or conscious dreaming experienced while lying down, a list of daily gratitude practice + intention + affirmation, an hour-long Power Breathing session, tips to break stereotypes and beliefs, and instruction Before you start!

NOTE: After purchase, you will receive an email with detailed instructions on how to access the platform with the course.

Validity: 12 months

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For whom Yuli Yoga Rozkosh Course:

  • For anyone (regardless of gender) who wants to improve the quality of their sex life,
  • Quiet the mind,
  • Reduce stress,
  • Increase attentiveness,
  • Gain confidence and courage to do new things,
  • Improve physical fitness and flexibility,
  • For singles and for couples – you can practice together

What you’ll find in it:

  • 8 yoga practices with selected asanas (positions) that: open your hips, strengthen your kegel (pelvic floor) muscles, spine, abdomen, buttocks, stretch your groins, strengthen your body – these positions help you achieve more intense orgasms, increase blood flow to the pelvis and thus increase libido, relax and clear the mind and thus make space for sexual sensations.
  • The guided practice of Yoga Nidra or conscious dreaming, which is experienced while lying down – helps us achieve the deepest possible state of relaxation, quiets the mind. This allows a lesser-known sense called interoception, or increased awareness of inner body sensations, thoughts and emotions, to occur.
  • Daily practice: gratitude + intention + affirmation, you will get a list of sample gratitudes (it is scientifically proven that daily practice of gratitude raises our vibration – it is one of the highest vibrational frequencies we can be in).
  • Power Breathing – an hour-long breathing session.
  • Recommendations that break stereotypes and beliefs.
  • Instructional , “Before You Begin”.

When you buy the Yuli Yoga Rozkosh course you will receive 2 BONUSES:

  • A 30-minute online consultation with course author Julia YULI YOGA.
  • Monthly access to the Online Studio and Asanas tab.

What do you gain after 10 days?

  • You will increase your self-confidence.
  • You will balance your libido.
  • You will increase body awareness.
  • You will quiet your mind, which will allow you to be present in the here and now.
  • You will eliminate stress.
  • You will intensify orgasms.
  • You will strengthen and stretch your body.

, ”Through sexuality, we can not only improve the quality of our intimate relationship, enjoy physical pleasure or pursue procreation. Sexuality can help us in the process of personal transformation, physical and emotional healing, self-realization, spiritual development, and become our way to know the essence of life and death.’
Dr. Annie Sprinkle (sex educator, sexologist) for the book
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